Friday, November 25, 2016

Looking for a Certain Person

There is a certain person who does not know when to leave well enough alone. You would think that a person would learn from experience but this certain person experiences and then do the same thing over again. It is not that this certain person is a glutton for punishment, it is just that this certain person is a weak-minded people pleaser among the repertoire of faults clinging to this certain person like they are sealed with super glue.

Life has no fury like a wobbling snowflake that goes in any direction that the slightest wind blows it. But what is this that has a snowflake for a heart and a dust bucket for a brain? Is it not this certain person who goes to bed without sleeping and moves throughout the day without being awake?

The pencil is broken over the head of the school teacher and the last person on earth is unanimously voted as being the person most likely to not succeed. The Duck-billed platypus does not know and could care even less, that it has just polished off the very last of the foodstuffs that the last person on earth had to eat and that in the murky depths the waters are still too poisonous for sea creatures to feed.

What makes a person a person? Is it the person’s physical physique that makes a person a human being, or is it the way that a person thinks that gives a person a unique distinction? Could it be a combination of the mind and the body that makes a person a person, or is it not any one of those two factors that make a person a human being?

So, why does a theoretically intelligent person jump into a hole where he or she know that they do not belong and instead of climbing out of it they diligently dig themselves deeper and deeper into it? What is the nature of this type of personality that wants and strives for good but always produces a halfhearted hiccup?

There is a certain person who looks forward but walks backward and who knows better but keep making the same mistakes. Many people that this certain person has known have died over the years but this certain person is still alive? Why is this? Why do the flames burn out and the flicker is still lit? The sea monster stays hidden because it knows that there are creatures afloat that will kill it just for the sake of killing it, and the gateway stays hidden because a certain person always flip-flops at the entrance.

A certain person wants to take a seat on the pity pot but the pity pot moves whenever this certain person tries to sit on it. What is this type of person that cannot even find a friend in woe as me? And why do the dead continue to live and the living continue to die? The cream of the crop got ran over by a dump truck, and the teacher’s pet got bit on the neck by a part-time vampire. So why do some people touch and produce something and other people touch and produce nothing?

There is a certain person who believed in the survival of the fittest and a mosquito bit that certain person who then became extremely sick. Some people are excellent at making friends while others wobble like a windblown snowflake when it comes to making friendships. And what good is there in being born if being born means living in a hollow shell that does not even have an echo to prove that it is there?

There is a certain person who looked for a certain person but could not find that certain person no matter how thorough the search was conducted, and then on a certain day death brought an end to the searching as a certain person said hello and goodbye to the grave. So, who will weep for a certain person who is not deserving of a single tear, but as the crow flies, so does the wind blows into dry eyes, invigorating days, and restful nights.

The wicked will inherit the earth, or at least what is left of the earth when the wicked have finished their work, and soon afterward the wicked will die off thus bringing to a justified end the insolent story of humanity on the planet Earth. The night will pass into the day and the Sun is shining brightly. The end of humanity on the planet Earth was yesterday, and today all the Earth’s other inhabitants that are still alive are going about their business as usual as the planet begin the cleansing and rejuvenating processes that will erase every trace of humanity from its form and right itself of all human wrongs.

There is a certain person who reaches for the Stars and after getting extremely close to them this certain person consistently falls apart, transforming lights into shadows and making of no effect the goals strived for. The last will be last and the first will be extinguished when true wisdom and understanding sweeps over the face of the world, and those who are and those who were will know that human knowledge and intelligence is an empty bucket within the vastness of the universe.

There is a certain person who is diligently looking for something and can never find it because that certain person is looking for that something within him or herself that is moved by this and swayed by that causing that certain person to rummage in circles. But the draw of the last breath is growing closer with every second and without any fanfare a certain person will simply fade away. Hurray.

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The Last Prophet! – Michel de Nostradamus?

The wine press is full of people claiming themselves to be prophets nowadays and they gender a large following of believers in their camps, however, the clear majority of these self-proclaimed prophets and futurists are frauds and fakes whose only purpose is to milk the gullible out of their money.

It is normal for a person to want to feel special, to have a sense that he or she is above the fold, to believe that they are in possession of exceptional knowledge and gifts that few other people are endowed with. So, along with greed, personal recognition and acclaim are the driving forces behind a person wanting to draw attention to themselves by proclaiming that they are a prophet.

One definition of a prophet is, “an authoritative person who divines the future.” (Microsoft Word Thesaurus). Another definition of prophet is, “one who prophesies, or foretells events; a predictor; a foreteller” or, “one inspired or instructed by God to speak in his name, or announce future events.” (Webster Dictionary).

None of the above definitions emphasizes that a prophet must be sincere, unambiguous, and reliable in their predictions, and none of these definitions of a prophet suggests that vagueness is the status-quo of prophetic utterances, which is the technique employed by all self-proclaimed prophets throughout history. What this means is that what a prophet is, is defined by the prophet him or herself and not by a set of standards that a certified seer must adhere to.

Many devotees hail Michel de Nostradamus as being a genuine prophet but reading his quatrains are unnerving, to say the least, as they simply do not make any sense and can be interpreted to mean anything. How people can relate any of his quatrains to any specific event in the past and the future is an amazing feat in mind reading of the dead on their part.

I understand why Michel de Nostradamus wrote as he did during the time that he lived because the Catholic Church was on a rampage at that time murdering and torturing in abandon, and he certainly did not want to be the next person burned at the stake by the church. Yet, it seems that if Michel de Nostradamus earnestly wanted to forewarn people about future events he would have also written a script of his quatrains in clear, readable language that was only to be published after his death and out of reach of the Catholic Church.

Some examples of the prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus are as such:

Century 3, Quatrain 35, reads:

“From the depths of the West of Europe

A young child will be born of poor people,

He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;

His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

Now, what does this mean? Many devotees of Michel de Nostradamus say that this is a prophecy of the rise of Adolf Hitler. However, Michel de Nostradamus could have been talking about anyone because during his time there were many warlords throughout Europe vying for wealth and power.

Century 6, Quatrain 97, reads:

"Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis,

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees’ latitude,

Fire approaches the great new city,

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up,

Within months, rivers will flow with blood,

The undead will roam the earth for little time."

The above quatrain is ascribed as being a prediction of 911 by Michel de Nostradamus. But is it really? A person who is bestowed with the ability to see into the future should have far more details about people and places than obscure references that can be interpreted and misinterpreted as the reader sees fit.

No one who had been reading the writings of Michel de Nostradamus interpreted century 6, quatrain 97 as pointing to New York, New York, United States of America, and the Twin Towers until after that disaster happened, which should show that no one knows how to properly interpret the prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus, or that his prophecies cannot be correctly interpreted because they are so open-ended and ambiguous.

There were large towers in Michel de Nostradamus's day so he could have said steel birds flew into towers, but he said that steel birds fell on a metropolis. And what does he mean by the undead roaming the earth and “little time” for what? Also, when, and where did rivers flow with blood within months after 911?

I am now proclaiming myself to be a prophet and I predict that someday I will die. I have just foretold the future and no one can deny that someday my prophecy will come true, but that prophecy is vague and it is something that even a child knows. Now if I were to have a divination that on this precise day, and at this specific time, and in this exact way I will die, and this prediction comes true then it could be said that I was a genuine prophet, at least in that prediction.

Century 10, Quatrain 75, reads:

Long awaited, he will not take birth in Europe,

India will produce the immortal ruler,

Seeing wisdom and power of unlimited scope,

Asia will bow before this conquering scholar.

This is a prophecy by Michel de Nostradamus that is ascribed as meaning that the Anti-Christ, or an Anti-Christ, will come from India. “Long awaited”, “immortal ruler”, “conquering scholar”. What are these phrases telling us, and what will this ruler rule? Anything can be made of this prophecy from history and it does not give any enlightenment about anything.

Century 3, Quatrain 1, reads:

After combat and naval battle,

The great Neptune in his highest belfry:

Red adversary will become pale with fear,

Putting the great Ocean in dread.

Now, what in the world is he trying to convey? The people who lived in his day and in his region, may have known, or had an idea of what he was talking about but to people outside of his region and to future generations these lines mean absolutely nothing. “great Neptune”, “Red adversary”, “Ocean in dread.” What is Michel de Nostradamus seeing that caused him to use these terms? Only he knows?

If someone is telling your fortune in such a blurred formless manner so that you can interpret what they are telling you in different ways they are just wasting your time because they are not giving you anything that you cannot give yourself.

A true prophet wants to inform and enlighten, not puzzle and confuse. A true prophet is clear and specific in details because she or he wants what they are prophesying to be understood. A person who can see into the future understand that they can change the course of human history and will be as direct and as precise as possible when conveying this information to the public.

A true prophet does not look for fame and fortune but has a deep sense of loving and caring for people. A true prophet really sees into the future and no one can be judged as being a true prophet when all their revelations are seen after the fact.

A true prophet understands that human actions are not written in stone and that many misfortunes and bad decisions can be avoided with the advance knowledge of the benefits and consequences that certain actions and decisions will produce. Knowing this, a true prophet does not ramble or speak in circles, but come to the point and let people know what is going on.

I have nothing against Michel de Nostradamus, and from reading many of his quatrains, I have nothing for him either as being a person endowed with supernatural mystic talents. I believe that Michel de Nostradamus tinkered with his herbal concoctions too much late at night in his attic and really did have visions, but seeing things in an abnormal state of mind does not qualify a person as being a prophet.

People just love doomsday. If there is a conversation about heaven and hell, the conversation about hell will always attract the most interest because talking about kissing, and loving, and hugging one another all day gets very boring after a few moments, but talking about obliteration, annihilation, and devastation can be entertaining for several hours.

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The Presidential Election Recount Trend

It was a given that someone would call for a recount of the votes cast during the 2016 presidential election. This call for a recount is becoming a growing trend since the Florida election recount of the 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, and augmented by the Washington gubernatorial election recount of 2004, the Vermont Auditor of Accounts election of 2006, the Florida congressional elections of 2006, and the United States Senate election in Minnesota in 2008.

One reason for this growing trend to recount election results is that Americans simply do not trust their politicians, even the ones that they personally vote into office.

This mistrust of politicians is nothing new and in many instances, is a useful tool if used properly to keep politicians honest. However, calling for a recount of the votes simply because you do not like the election results is childish and creates confusion when the goal should be to move forward and get the needed jobs done.

Any election has the potential of fostering resentment and bitterness between opposing camps during the campaigning processes, and even after the election campaign is over a certain amount of resentments will continue to smolder between both losers and winners.

During the 2016 presidential election campaign, bitterness, meanness, and hostility became a byword for the overall atmosphere of the campaign which was primarily instigated and sustained by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

But the 2016 presidential election is over and all Americans should now be willing to move above and beyond the election results in a consensus to advance the United States of America into an era of peace, creativity, inventiveness, and prosperity for all Americans that it has never experienced before.

It is diehard career politicians that are very bitter and resentful that a person who has simply walked in off the street and won a high governmental position that are eager to call foul play on the 2016 presidential election outcome because they have been working the political mill for years and even decades and have not yet reached their political goals.

These career politicians have the same mindset as the folks of old who resented the introduction of the automobile, the new cart on the block, when using a horse and buggy was still the accepted means of locomotion to get home, to business, and to higher office.

This growing trend to call for the recount of election results will only escalate in frequency and only cause the public to mistrust their institutions, both governmental and private, even more until more advanced and secure vote tabulation techniques and systems are developed and deployed.

Even with a better system in place losers will be losers and winners will be winners, there is just no getting around that. The goal should be the same regardless of political persuasion, the refreshing and the rejuvenating of the planet Earth and the protection of its other life forms, and the conquest and population of the Universe under the leading banner of the United States of America.

Computers and information technologies will never be hack-proof until these systems completely begin to design and program themselves and allowing only the very minimal of human interaction with them, which will certainly be the latest in information technologies eventually, and more than likely within a few decades. Until then, there should be an ongoing effort to patch and plug any breaches in the current vote counting systems and techniques to ensure as little human and mechanical errors and misbehaving as possible.

The monies raised to recount an election result could be better spent on helping sick and hungry children here in the United States. But what matters the most to a few offer no benefits at all to most of the people and usually does not attend anything save a selfish concern.

Calling for a vote recount is prudent when things just does not seem to add up but calling for a recount of votes when there is no evidence that some form of misconduct has taken place, or because you do not like the results of an election is disrespectful to the voting public and an unproductive use of energies to rig an election after the fact.

Many people are now screaming that the loser of the 2016 presidential election is actually the winner of the 2016 presidential election because of the popular vote count that appears to be in the losers favor. But the popular vote was for slavery and the Jim Crow Laws in the south. The popular vote is to allow homosexuals to spread their diseases and viruses throughout the human population and decimate it.

The popular vote is to choose politicians that have proven themselves to be corrupt, selfish, and dishonest. The popular vote was against a woman’s right to vote for decades. The popular vote made it illegal to manufacture and distribute alcoholic beverages which resulted in a devastating crime wave and the creation of more alcoholics.

The popular vote said that it was politically correct to allow the exhibition of human zoos in major U.S cities where little black children were caged and gawked at and tossed banana’s and peanuts by white spectators.

The popular vote made it legal to rob, lie to, steal from, and kill people, not of the white racial group.

The popular vote made it legal to conduct human experiments on black infants as a scientific method to prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a sound and credible doctrine. These are all examples of how the popular vote has been used in the United States of America.

These few examples of a mountain of facts concerning the value of misguided popular votes should suggest that the popular vote is not always the best way to go. It goes without saying that in the cosmic courts of humanities the United States of America has much to answer for and it may be fitting that the loser is proclaimed the winner and as such will surely bring the United States closer to its judgment day.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

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Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Chosen People of god - Evil Incarnate Video

Being known as the chosen people of god is synonyms with hatred, racism, bigotry, theft, murder, separation, homosexuality, and the control of others. The set apart ones have a self-righteousness that makes the unconscionable reasonable, logical, and rational. The self-proclaimed chosen people of god have no qualms about anything that they say or do because they rationalize their behavior as being the natural byproduct of the survival of the fittest. These monstrous and ridiculous self-proclaimed chosen people of god is the theme of this video, hope you hate it.

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The meaning and the purpose of your life does not have to cause you anxiety nor be a mystery unless you are content with remaining ignorant of yourself.

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Chosen People? Video

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Monday, June 20, 2016

Mindset of Alienation

Why do so-called black people despise themselves? What are the factors that contribute to this innate self-loathing by this Earth family of people? Strangers feel contempt for strangers. Eyes of apprehension crawl out of the sockets looking hither and thither for something to behave foolishly about. Every hand is against their neighbor to keep them flush inside the pit. And those who have managed to elevate themselves, their friends and strangers go to great lengths to drag them back in.

Where does this scorn of self, comes from? Is it rooted in history or is it a genetic imprint in so-called black people? This is not a local phenomenon as evidenced by the way that Africans slaughter and maim themselves relentlessly. This evidence argues that this self-hatred is global in context. This evidence reveals that there is something very wrong with the mentality of so-called black people in regard to how they view and interact with one another.

For many generations during modern history, one group of people preached that so-called black people are more animal than human. This may be an erroneous assumption held by that group of people. But why do the vast majority of so-called black people behave in a way that gives validity to that assumption? Why are so-called black people their own worst enemy? Why do they not have respect for themselves and for others? Why do they zest to trample down any and everything that they come in contact with?

If memory serves, these same so-called black people created great nations all over the Earth thousands of years ago. They were a people to be proud of. They built, created, and invented. They jump-started humanity into what is now referred to as civilization. What happened? How did this people fall apart to become the lowest of the human families on Earth today? And why do they do everything possible to maintain this low state of being?

So-called black people must learn to revere and honor themselves before they can expect other groups of people to respect them. They look with mean eyes at one another. They wake up slithering in a bowl of foolishness. They maintain the day in stupidity. They roam the night in idiocy. And they sleep in absurdity. Twenty-four seven they reside in foolhardiness and cleave to be the absolute center of a very bad attraction.

Saying that the vast majority of so-called black people act like animals is very insulting to the animal families. Animals act their nature and instincts. Human beings supposedly reside in a higher level of consciousness. So to compare the reckless, thoughtless, senselessness of one of the Earth’s human family members as behaving like an animal is not a practical assessment because of this different level of being.

Jealousy, envy, backstabbing, rumor milling and such like disagreeable personality peculiarities are common to all humans. However, so-called black people carry these not so noteworthy traits ruinously deep within the murky depths of human corruptions. A depraved gene as transformed the once great into the pathetic three-fifths human debauchery of today. During slavery in the United States of America, so-called black people were legislatively defined as being three-fifths of a white person.

Something drastic happened that caused so-called black people to lapse into antipathy of self some thousands of years ago. Perhaps it was a dark, gloomy, threatening cosmic cloud burst that nose-dived upon these people rendering the vast majority of them devoid of good sense and their nature of humanity laughable. Perhaps not. This is a silly mystery that needs to be explored, if for no other reason than to study the consequences of irrational behavior.

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