Saturday, October 28, 2017

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Monday, September 18, 2017

The United States of ??? This video is five years old and unfortunately is still very current and relevant today 9-18-2017. Watch and be ashamed! Israel Controls United States President, Congress and Senate, Through Corporate Money Influence

Saturday, November 26, 2016

A black person casting their vote for Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States is like a black person casting their vote for the next grand master of the KKK.

We so-called African Americans will always remain at the very bottom of the power and economic chain in this country if we keep placing our hopes on someone other than ourselves.

What type of sense does it make to have faith and confidence in people who hate and despise us and will contrive and do everything possible to keep us at each other’s throats and subservient to them?

We as a people must work together and form our own businesses and institutions. Sadly, we all know this because our people who have wisdom and vision have been telling us this for more than three hundred years and we have routinely turned a deaf ear to them as a collective body.

We so-called African Americans hope and dream and pray for salvation and to get our due but do nothing in and of ourselves to make our aspirations come true. We blame everyone for our problems instead of focusing on ourselves and what we can and should be doing to make our lives better.

The enemy is not obligated to do anything for us and we are living in a fairyland if we expect them to. I get so sick of hearing black men weeping and moaning about the injustices of the white man and then staring at one another with mean angry faces.

We so-called black folk are not the only people in human history that have gone through bondage, rape, murder, and unjust incarceration, but we are the only ones that seem to be content to languish and wallow in it.

At some point, a man must stand up and be a man and get on with it. No one is going to give you anything, and certainly not without harsh strings attached if they do, so we must take that which is rightfully ours, but do so wisely and cleverly as they do.

We must build our own businesses, create our own scientific and research labs, build our own neighborhoods and communities and keep them spotless and clean, stop asking and expecting other people to do for us what we can do for ourselves, this is what we as black men must do for ourselves and for our women and children.

Many of us so-called blacks had a lot of hope and pride when president Obama was elected as the president. However, that “man” and his wife “man” has made us (black people) look like cheap non-biodegradable dirt, especially black men.

The horribly embarrassing lesson that we all should have learned from this rude episode in getting exactly what you don't want or need is that placing our hope upon one person is a recipe for disappointment and a payday that never comes.

By the same token, placing your hopes on a liar and a fake (Hillary Clinton) is a guarantee to getting a knife stuck in your back and a transparent white cross placed in your yard.

Yes, Hillary Clinton is a woman aspiring to be the first woman president of the United States, and yes she is a democrat, and yes, this is why many black folks will vote for her. But you should know without anyone having to tell you that Hillary Clinton cares even less than less about you personally and collectively (black folks) and will promptly forget all about you once she is in office.

The people of all spectrums have allowed a puppet fraud to make buffoon’s of us for eight years now, so why do you want your concerns to be ignored for even more years by a monster whose sleazy track record is plain to see just because it is a woman.

We so-called negroes know exactly what we must do, get out for the spider’s webs and it will take some manhood, courage, wisdom, vision, leadership, direction and purpose to do it. At the moment it looks bad for us continuing as a living branch of the human family but all is not lost.

The power is of and within us to transform gloom into happiness and nothing into great achievements. We can do this as a yoked body working in harmony for directed and specific goals. We do not need anyone else to help us.

We so-called black people have built great civilizations before and we can certainly do it again. All we have to do is clean all of the built up garbage about ourselves out of our minds and think and believe and behave great.

No one will respect you until you learn to have respect for yourself.

• We focus on how other people feel about us way too much.

• We need to have our own stores and manufacturing companies.

• We need to develop a language for ourselves that we can use.

• We need to be able to live with, but not touch.

• We do not hate as they do but think and live in spiritual harmony with nature.

• We must individually and collectively love and respect ourselves first before seeking the respect of others.

Collectively we already have the financial means to start the processes of nation building if we will only start working together for our benefit.

The poor me days have run their course and now it’s time to behave like men.

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According to mainstream archeologists and historians, the construction of Stonehenge began around or between 8500 and 7000 BCE with the digging of four or five pits(holes) in the ground. Four thousand years later, at about 3000 B.C.E, a circular ditch with an inner and outer bank was constructed in the area where the holes were previously dug.

About five hundred years later, at about 2500 BCE, stones were set up in the center of the circular ditch that had been dug 500 years earlier. A circle and inner oval were constructed 200 or 300 years later by arranging bluestones in the center of the site.

So all total, it took Europeans five thousand six hundred years to build Stonehenge, give or take a few hundred years. A people known as Druids are commonly given the credits for the construction of Stonehenge by mainstream archeologist and historians, but no one really knows for sure who built Stonehenge.

Thus you have the European glorious contribution to the astounding achievements of the peoples of the ancient world, a few rocks stuck in a few holes that they desperately try to make older than any other structures found so far.

Even before 9500 BCE a native people lived and traded in a region of Africa that the Arabs have given the name Sahara. It is believed by most “think they know it all’s” that this region of the continent’s climate began to change into what it is today around 1600 BCE as a result of shifts of the Earth on its axis.

Be that as it may, whatever the conditions that caused the northern region of the continent to undergo such a drastic climate change resulted in driving the people who lived in the region south and west.

The Western migration created the civilizations of Put(Libya), Kemet(Egypt), Kush, Kanem, Aksum, and Nubia to name a few whereas the Southern migration created the civilizations of Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Wolof, Nok, Kangaba, and Kumbi Saleh also to name a few.

There is no doubt of it being much earlier African civilizations buried beneath the sands of the Sahara and spread throughout the continent that greatly predate the above-mentioned cultures. Thus you have the reason why white archeologists and historians prefer to be known as Egyptologist and not Stonehenge-tologist.

There are those so-called Egyptologist who wants to somehow stress that ancient Egypt(Kemet) was a melting pot of races, which is absolutely not true as documented in writing by the ancient Egyptians themselves of the great lengths that they took to keep Asians and others from settling in any part of the nation.

It is really an insult for whites to be calling themselves an Egyptologist and doing any type of archaeological and historical work on any other people except their own because of their tenacity to lie and turn the truth inside out for their benefit.

European archeologist and historians and archeologist and historians of European descent should confine their lies to European history and let the people who created the concepts and fundamentals of culture and civilization speak for themselves.

It is sickening to see how prideful some of these “dumb and blind” are in calling themselves Egyptologists, archaeologist, and historians.

These self-proclaimed authorities in one else's heritage and histories do not have the slightest moral fiber and personal integrity to be truthful about anything and blindly ignore every form of evidence that is vigorously slapping them in their silly faces.

And so it is, that holes and rocks, and rocks and holes, are what the mainstream archeologists and historians should confine themselves to.

Mainstream archeologist's are sleepwalking in a dead mindset and dreamers that are rotten to the core.

The understanding and the knowledge of mainstream archeologist's are clamped within their pointed heads and they make a mockery of everything that they put their filthy minds and hands upon.

Mainstream archeologist's have a gift for turning light into darkness and then fill that darkness with compounded ignorance.

White snowflakes are falling down, one calling herself an Egyptologist and the other is calling himself an expert on the Maya.

Both so-called authorities in one else's heritage and histories are reeking with the foul vulgar stench of preconceptions and prejudice.

Both so-called authorities in one else's heritage and histories look and are unable to see.

Both so-called authorities in one else's heritage and histories deliberately place the pieces of a puzzle in backward.

Both so-called authorities in one else's heritage and histories have brains that are tragically absent of a mind.

Both so-called authorities in one else's heritage and histories are pathological liars much deserving of keeping their mouths shut.

Last, but not least, both should confine themselves solely to the study of Stonehenge and leave other cultures alone.

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